Communication & Leadership for Nonprofit Organizations
Your education is our number one priority at SNU. That’s why SNU tailors your degree to you, as an individual. When you meet with an SNU advisor, they won’t just tell you what classes to take, they’ll help you find specialized classes that concentrate on your career and academic goals. Goals we help you develop beginning with your first entry-level class—designed to answer the question, “What do you do with a degree in Communication & Leadership for Nonprofit Organizations?” As you follow your tailored degree plan, you may find yourself taking classes from a number of different disciplines. Speech Communication. Technology. Theology. Fine Arts. Looking for a truly unique class opportunity? Ask about courses in Grant Writing and Intercultural Communication!
At Southern Nazarene University, we don’t just believe in your dreams, we equip you with the best education to give you the confidence to make your dreams a reality. We know you are selecting a college for more than just location or school colors. You want to go somewhere to prepare you for the future. Your future. At Southern Nazarene University, we want that for you too. That is why we work hard to make sure our degrees are supported by some of the top curriculum available. We hire highly-qualified faculty who not only know the ins and outs of the profession you seek, but who truly wish to see you succeed. You leave SNU prepared for a great job in your field. That’s why we encourage you to not just dream, but to dream with confidence.